6. Using Open Data & Maps for Analysis, Display and Decision-Making

6. Using Open Data & Maps for Analysis, Display and Decision-Making

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There are a handful of free tools available to extract and utilize OSM data for decision-making. By either using OSM data in conjunction with free population data sets from, for example, World Pop or other thematic datasets from the Humanitarian Data Exchange or even combining it with your own generated data, various tools can be used to clean, analyze and visualize information to inform project planning and decision-making.

  1. uMap lets you create maps with OSM layers quickly. The platform features sample maps to inspire your use of layers, points of interest, design and licensing.

    Level: Beginner


  2. Overpass Turbo Query is a web-based data filtering tool for OSM. You can run queries and analyse the resulting OSM data interactively on a map. There is an integrated Wizard that makes creating queries easy.

    Level: Beginner/Intermediate


  3. MyHeatMap allows you to view your geographic data interactively. Combining geospatial data with a colour-coded gradient makes it easier for your audience to quickly interpret your information.

    Level: Beginner/Intermediate


  4. Data Wrapper allows you to quickly create beautiful and responsive charts - in seconds. It is a three step process: copy/paste your data, visualize your data by choosing from many charts and map types and then publish your final creation into your format of choice.

    Level: Intermediate


  5. QGIS is a cross-platform desktop geographic information system (GIS) software that allows you to analyze and edit spatial information, as well as compose and export geographic maps.

    Level: Advanced
